Begin 5th position R foot front
1 Tendu R to side
2-3 Temp lié onto R (stay in fondu) and tendu L, port de bras away from barre
4 Temp lié to point tendu R, arms 2nd
5-8 Rond de Jambe en dehors 4 times finishing point tendu front on count 8
1 Close 5th position plié
2-3 Releve passé to developpé derrière
4 Close sous-sus back
5 Plie 5th position
6-7 Relevé passé inside leg to developpé derrière
8 Close sous-sus back
1 Tendu front in fondu on supporting leg
2-4 Straighten and rond de jambe en dehors 3 times
5 Finish lifting leg to 90° front (arm to 5th en haut)
6-7 Grand rond de jambe en dehors to arabesque
8 Close 5th position back
1-4 Grand port de bras forward with inside leg front in 5th position
5-8 Grand port de bras back with inverted arm
1-24 Repeat all en dedans
25-32 Grand circular port de bras in sous-sus and balance arms 5th en haut
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