3/4 1st position
1-2 Tendu side, close 1st position
&3 Pick up foot and place 5th front
&4 Pas de cheval to point tendu side in fondu
5 Close 5th position back straight knees
6 Tendu back
7 Close 5th position
8 Hold
1-8 Repeat from back
1-4 2 Rond de Jambe en dehors slow
5-8 3 Rond de Jambe en dehors quick, close 5th back
1-4 2 Rond de jambe en dedans slow
5-8 3 Rond de Jambe en dedans quick, close 5th front
1-16 Circular port de bras both directions
forward-to barre-back-recover,
then, back-to barre-forward-recover)
Balance at retiré