Rond de Jambe a tèrre
Begin 5th position
1-2 Fondu at cou de pied, relevé and extend leg 90 degrees devant, arm to 5th en haut
3-4 Close sous-sus, fondu inside leg at cou de pied back, relevé extend to arabesque 90 degrees
5-6 Close sous-sus, fondu outside leg at cou de pied front, relevé extend to 90 degrees á la seconde
7 Retire
8 Extend leg to attitude derrière
1-8 Promenade to second side, penchée and recover, closing 5th position back on second side
1-2 Slow rond de jambe a tèrre en dehors from f-b
3-4 Two faster rond de jambe en dehors
5-8 One slow rond de jambe en dehors 45 degrees en l’air, f-s-b, close 5th back
1-8 Repeat rond de jambe portion en dedans
1-32 Repeat entire combination beginning on second side
mel wilson says
Can you explain what you mean by “promenade second”…thanks so much.
Tamara Rhoades says
Yes, to promenade to the second side means to turn toward the barre (staying in attitude derriere en half pointe), taking the barre with the opposite hand and then lifting the other arm to 5th en haut as you turn the body to be facing the other direction. Now your lifted leg is the inside leg. Does that make sense?
noir robinet de salle de bain says
vraiment intéressant. Merci pour cet article court blog fantastique.