Suggested musical accompaniment by Massimiliano Greco here.
You can also like him on Facebook here.
R foot front 5th upstage L
1-2 Piqué to 1st arabesque, faille across
3 Piqué to 1st arabesque
4 Faille and temps levé on L with R cou de pied back
5 Balancé R traveling en arrière
6 Balancé L traveling en arrière
7-8 Tombé pas de bourrée to 4th preparation L front
1-2 Pirouette en dehors to 4th position
3 Detourné to point tendu R croisé devant
4 Close 5th position plié R front
5-6 Tendu R croisé devant place 4th lunge R croisé devant
7-8 Pirouette en dedans to 5th position croisé L foot front
1-16 Repeat other side
Betsey Blair says
Tammy .., many thanks for terrific inspiring ballet combinations! New studio & classes & dancers! So helpful.
Tammy Rhoades says
Thank you and enjoy your new studio, classes, and dancers!!