Simple Pirouette Waltz
5th position en face R foot front ¾ tempo
1-2 Balancé R and L
3-4 Soutenu turn R, close 5th R foot front en face
5-6 Tendu side, close 5th front in plié
7-8 Pirouette en dehors, finish R foot front 5th
1-4 Repeat counts 1-4
5-6 Tendu side, plié 2nd position
7-8 Pirouette en dehors from 2nd, close 5th position R foot back
Repeat all on L
Turns Across The Floor
Turns Across The Floor
1-2 Piqué turn en dedans
3-4 Piqué turn en dedans, close 5th en fast
5 Pirouette en dehors keeping foot at knee, plié on supporting leg
6 Repeat count 5
7 Repeat count 6
8 Roll through supporting leg and extend working foot 45˚ front
1-8 Repeat all across floor
Medium Petit Allegro
Medium Petit Allegro
Begin at upstage L corner 5th croisé
1-2 Faille Assemblé
& Precipité
3 Piqué to first arabesque
4 Tombé over
5 Brisé
6 Brisé
7 Glissade
8 Saute de chat