Richard Maddock CDs for Ballet Class

Richard Maddock, professional pianist and composer from the Toronto, Canada area, graciously sent me three of his CDs for ballet class and one called The Garden Within which is full of lovely, reflective musical selections.  Most are longer and would be great for adagio or stretching, or even choreography.  Music for Movement and Imaginations—Ballet Class & Creative Movement (for children ages 3 and up) is full of short segments that is sure to live up to its name by sparking the imaginations of young children who are exposed to it.  Some of the segments include “Run Like The Wind”, “Bounce & Freeze”, and several thematic ones like “Dance-a-Story – Schoolyard”, “Dance-a-Story – Jungle Journey”, and more.  This CD will not only grab the interest of children, it will inspire the teacher to come up with more content for creative movement class.

My two favorites are Ballet Studio Inspirations: Volume Two and Ballet Studio Inspirations: Volume Three.  I was pleased to find several 6/8 time signatures (not sure why but this is my favorite!).  I found the plie combinations to be quite slow, but most studios have variable speed players to up the tempo a bit, and I was also able to find a few other suitable segments for plies at a tempo that I liked.  Other than that, everything was to my liking!  I think teachers of dance would find these CDs to be a wonderful accompaniment to their classes.  The Volume Three has 43 completely separate musical selections, including a warm up and at least two segments for each barre combination as well as two for turns en diagonale, three for petit allegro, three for medium allegro, and three for allegro. 

You can find these and more of Richard’s CDs at his website,


Tendu from 1st and 5th

Tendu from 1st and 5th
Begin in 1st position
1    Elevé
2    Plié in 1st
3    Tendu devant
4    Flex foot front
5    Point tendu front
6    RJ carry to á la seconde
7    Fondu supporting leg in point tendu side
8    Close 1st position
1-8    Repeat from back but close front in 5th
1-4    Tendu devant, temps lié thru 4th,  tendu inside leg back, and close 5th back
5-7    Tendu front, side, back closing 5th
8    Hold
1-8    Repeat last 8 counts from back
1-8    Cambré port de bras forward
1-8    Cambré port de bras back

Rond de Jambe

Rond de Jambe á terre
5th position
1    Fondu at cou de pied devant
2    Retiré straighten supporting leg
3    Fondu in point tendu devant
4    Rond de jambe to á la seconde
5    Rond de jambe to back
6    Close 1st position
7-8    Elevé, lower to 1st
1-4    2 slow rond de jambe en dehors
5-7    3 quick rond de jambe en dehors
8    Lower foot into lunge back (inside leg front)
1-8    Cambré forward and back
1    Brush back leg to 45˚ devant
2    Fondu at cou de pied devant
3    Extend to 45˚ á la seconde
4    Fondu at cou de pied derrière
5-8    Extend to 45˚ arabesque, slowing lifting leg to 90˚ and closing 5th back
1-32    Repeat all en dedans

Rond de Jambe en l’air with Grand Battement

Rond de Jambe en l’air with Grand Battement
5th position
1    Brush to 90˚ á la seconde
2    Single rond de jambe en l’air en dehors
3-4    Double rond de jambe en l’air en dehors close 5th back
5-8    Repeat from back en dedans to finish 5th front
1-2    Elevé in 5th, lower to 5th plié
3-4    Relevé passé, close 5th plié front
5-8    Pirouette en dehors to close 5th front
1-2    Grand battement front, close 5th
&3    Grand battement front faster, close 5th
4    Petit passé at cou de pied height to close 5th back
5-8    Repeat last 4 counts to back
1-4    Repeat last 4 counts to side, finishing 5th back
5-6    Relevé passé to plié 5th front
7-8    Pirouette en dehors, finish in attitude derrière to balance

Tendu / Degagé

5th position
1-2    2 tendus front
3-3    2 tendus back with inside leg
5&6    Fondu front at cou de pied, point tendu devant, close 5th front
7&8    3 tendus side closing bfb
1-8    Repeat all from back
1-8    Cambré forward slowly
1-8    Cambré back slowly
1-32    Repeat all with degagé and cambré on half toe

Turns Across the Floor

Turns Across the Floor
Begin 5th position R foot front croisé in upstage L corner
1-4    Embôité turning 2X
5    Assemblé feet together R foot front 5th
6    Tour en l’air, finishing w/R foot cou de pied devant
7-8    Soutenu turn
1-4    2 pique turns en dedans
5-6    Chassé into chaine turns
7-8    Chassé into 1st arabesque balance