En face 5th position R foot front
1 Degagé side close 1st position
2 Degagé side close 5th back
3-4 Repeat from back
5-8 Piqué front, side, back, close 5th back
1-4 Tendu side close 5th front plié
5-6 Pirouette from 5th en dehors, close 5th front
7-8 Pirouette from 5th en dehors, close 5th back
1-16 Repeat all with Left
Begin in 5th position
&1 Degagé front, close 5th
&2 Degagé side, close 5th back
&3 Degagé side, close 1st
&4 Degagé side, close 5th front
5-7 Piqué front, side, back
8 Close 5th back
1-8 Repeat all from the back
1-3 Degagé side closing 1st position 3 X
4 Degagé side close 5th back
5-7 Degagé side closing 1st position 3 x
8 Degagé side close 5th front
1-4 Relevé passé to close 5th back in plié
5 Relevé passé
6 Lower to sous sus front
7-8 Turn toward barre to begin 2nd side
Tendu from 1st
1st position
1-4 Tendu front close 1st, tendu side close 1st
5-8 Tendu front, ¼ rond de jambe to side, fondu on supporting leg, close 1st straight
1-8 Repeat from back
1-8 Tendu close 1st plié front, side, and back, relevé, plié
1-8 Repeat last 8 counts from back, balance on relevé in 1st
Begin 2nd position
1-4 Grand plié
5-8 Cambré port de bras toward barre and forward
1-4 Grand plié inverted port de bras with arm
5-6 Elevé, lower
7-8 Point tendu to side, close 1st position
1st position
1-4 2 demi plié
5-8 Grand plié
1-4 Cambré port de bras forward
5-6 Elevé, lower
7-8 Point tendu devant, lower to 4th position
4th position
1-4 2 demi plié
5-8 Grand plié
1-4 Point tendu devant, cambré port de bras forward bending supporting leg
5-6 Eleve to 4th, lower to 4th flat
7-8 Point tendu devant, close 5th front
5th position
1-16 Same as 2nd position but cambré port de bras to barre and back
Balance in sous-sus
Pirouettes en dehors
Begin 5th position en face R foot front
1-2 Tendu side close 5th front plié
3-6 Pirouette from 5th en dehors 2X
7&a8 Tombé pas de bourrée to finish L foot front 5th
1-2 Chassé croisé devant to point tendu croisé derrière, place into 4th plié
3-4 Pirouette en dehors to 5th position R foot back
5-6 Detourné (turning towards back foot to finish plié croisé devant w/R front
7&a8 Tombé pas de bourrée to the right, finishing L foot front
1-16 Repeat all on other side
Degage 2/4
Begin 5th position
&1&2 2 degage side closing in 1st position
&3 1 degage side closing 5th position back
&4 2 petit passe closing 5th front, 5th back
5-8 Repeat from the back
1-4 Rond de jambe a terre en dehors (f-s-b)
en dedans, (b-s-f), close 5th front
5-8 Passe slowly to close 5th back
1-16 Repeat all from back