Grand Waltz from upstage L corner
1 Temps levé 1st arabesque on R leg
2 Faille L over
3 Glissade R closing L front
4 Assemblé R beating fbf to finish R front 5th
5 Tombé onto R facing upstage R corner
&6 Coupé L under, assemble R to close 5th back
7-8 2 entrechat six
& Tombé onto L facing downstage L corner
1 Coupé R under and temps levé in 1st arabesque facing upstage R, arms 3rd
2 Chassé coupé chasse L to downstage
3-4 Assemblé en tournant arms 5th en haut finish R front 5th
5-6 Tombé onto R, pas de bourrée
7 Glissade to open 4th
8 Saute de chat with L arm 5th en haut, R arm 2nd
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