Tendu from 1st and 5th

Tendu from 1st and 5th
Begin in 1st position
1    Elevé
2    Plié in 1st
3    Tendu devant
4    Flex foot front
5    Point tendu front
6    RJ carry to á la seconde
7    Fondu supporting leg in point tendu side
8    Close 1st position
1-8    Repeat from back but close front in 5th
1-4    Tendu devant, temps lié thru 4th,  tendu inside leg back, and close 5th back
5-7    Tendu front, side, back closing 5th
8    Hold
1-8    Repeat last 8 counts from back
1-8    Cambré port de bras forward
1-8    Cambré port de bras back

Rond de Jambe

Rond de Jambe á terre
5th position
1    Fondu at cou de pied devant
2    Retiré straighten supporting leg
3    Fondu in point tendu devant
4    Rond de jambe to á la seconde
5    Rond de jambe to back
6    Close 1st position
7-8    Elevé, lower to 1st
1-4    2 slow rond de jambe en dehors
5-7    3 quick rond de jambe en dehors
8    Lower foot into lunge back (inside leg front)
1-8    Cambré forward and back
1    Brush back leg to 45˚ devant
2    Fondu at cou de pied devant
3    Extend to 45˚ á la seconde
4    Fondu at cou de pied derrière
5-8    Extend to 45˚ arabesque, slowing lifting leg to 90˚ and closing 5th back
1-32    Repeat all en dedans

Rond de Jambe en l’air with Grand Battement

Rond de Jambe en l’air with Grand Battement
5th position
1    Brush to 90˚ á la seconde
2    Single rond de jambe en l’air en dehors
3-4    Double rond de jambe en l’air en dehors close 5th back
5-8    Repeat from back en dedans to finish 5th front
1-2    Elevé in 5th, lower to 5th plié
3-4    Relevé passé, close 5th plié front
5-8    Pirouette en dehors to close 5th front
1-2    Grand battement front, close 5th
&3    Grand battement front faster, close 5th
4    Petit passé at cou de pied height to close 5th back
5-8    Repeat last 4 counts to back
1-4    Repeat last 4 counts to side, finishing 5th back
5-6    Relevé passé to plié 5th front
7-8    Pirouette en dehors, finish in attitude derrière to balance

Tendu / Degagé

5th position
1-2    2 tendus front
3-3    2 tendus back with inside leg
5&6    Fondu front at cou de pied, point tendu devant, close 5th front
7&8    3 tendus side closing bfb
1-8    Repeat all from back
1-8    Cambré forward slowly
1-8    Cambré back slowly
1-32    Repeat all with degagé and cambré on half toe