Rond de Jambe en L’air

Rond de jambe en l’air
1    Releve lent (brush leg) to 90 degrees a la seconde
2-3    2 rond de jambe en l’air en dehors
4    Cou de pied devant in fondu
5    Releve and extend leg 90 degrees devant, arm to 5th en haut
6    Tombé forward to inside leg arabesque at 90 degrees, arm to arabesque
7&8    Pas de bourrée toward barre to 2nd side 5th position
1-8    Repeat en dehors on second side
1-16    Repeat but with en dedans and pas de bourrée turning away from barre

Rond de Jambe

Rond de Jambe a tèrre
Begin 5th position
1-2    Fondu at cou de pied, relevé and extend leg 90 degrees devant, arm to 5th en haut
3-4    Close sous-sus, fondu inside leg at cou de pied back, relevé extend to arabesque 90 degrees
5-6    Close sous-sus, fondu outside leg at cou de pied front, relevé extend to 90 degrees á la seconde
7    Retire
8    Extend leg to attitude derrière
1-8    Promenade to second side, penchée and recover, closing 5th position back on second side
1-2    Slow rond de jambe a tèrre en dehors  from f-b
3-4    Two faster rond de jambe en dehors
5-8    One slow rond de jambe en dehors 45 degrees en l’air, f-s-b, close 5th back
1-8    Repeat rond de jambe portion en dedans
1-32    Repeat entire combination beginning on second side


Begin in 5th position
&1    Degagé front, close 5th
&2    Degagé side, close 5th back
&3    Degagé side, close 1st
&4    Degagé side, close 5th front
5-7    Piqué front, side, back
8    Close 5th back
1-8    Repeat all from the back
1-3    Degagé side closing 1st position 3 X
4    Degagé side close 5th back
5-7    Degagé side closing 1st position 3 x
8    Degagé side close 5th front
1-4    Relevé passé to close 5th back in plié
5    Relevé passé
6    Lower to sous sus front
7-8    Turn toward barre to begin 2nd side

Tendu from 1st

1st position
1-4    Tendu front close 1st, tendu side close 1st
5-8    Tendu front, ¼ rond de jambe to side, fondu on supporting leg, close 1st straight
1-8    Repeat from back
1-8    Tendu close 1st plié front, side, and back, relevé, plié
1-8    Repeat last 8 counts from back, balance on relevé in 1st


Begin 2nd position
1-4    Grand plié
5-8    Cambré port de bras toward barre and forward
1-4    Grand plié inverted port de bras with arm
5-6    Elevé, lower
7-8    Point tendu to side, close 1st position
1st position
1-4    2 demi plié
5-8    Grand plié
1-4    Cambré port de bras forward
5-6    Elevé, lower
7-8    Point tendu devant, lower to 4th position
4th position
1-4    2 demi plié
5-8    Grand plié
1-4    Point tendu devant, cambré port de bras forward bending supporting leg
5-6    Eleve to 4th, lower to 4th flat
7-8    Point tendu devant, close 5th front
5th position
1-16    Same as 2nd position but cambré port de bras to barre and back
Balance in sous-sus

Degage 2/4

Begin 5th position

&1&2    2 degage side closing in 1st position
&3    1 degage side closing 5th position back
&4    2 petit passe closing 5th front, 5th back
5-8    Repeat from the back
1-4    Rond de jambe a terre en dehors (f-s-b)
    en dedans, (b-s-f), close 5th front
5-8    Passe slowly to close 5th back
1-16    Repeat all from back