Note: stop halfway means to stop between 1st position and fully stretching the foot in tendu, working through the metatarsal. In this stopping place, the part of the foot with a pad covering it (shown in the picture) will still be on the floor while your foot itself is still pointed.
Begin in 1st position
1 Begin tendu devant, stop halfway
2 Finish tendu devant, fully extended pointed foot front
3 Flex only toes, keeping foot pointed
4 Return toes to point tendu devant
5 Close to 1st position with straight knees
6 Tendu devant without stopping halfway
7 Close to 1st position in plié
8 Straighten knees
1-8 Repeat first phrase to the side
1-8 Repeat first phrase to the back
1 Flex foot 45° front, plié on supporting leg
2-3 Rond de jambe working leg to 45° side, then carry to 45° back in fondu
4 Close and straighten knees in 1st position
5-8 Repeat the last counts 1-4 starting from the back, side, then front