Rond de Jambe à terre

3/4 1st position

1-2          Tendu side, close 1st position
&3           Pick up foot and place 5th front
&4           Pas de cheval to point tendu side in fondu
5              Close 5th position back straight knees
6              Tendu back
7              Close 5th position
8              Hold
1-8           Repeat from back
1-4           2 Rond de Jambe en dehors slow
5-8           3 Rond de Jambe en dehors quick, close 5th back
1-4           2 Rond de jambe en dedans slow
5-8           3 Rond de Jambe en dedans quick, close 5th front
1-16         Circular port de bras both directions
forward-to barre-back-recover,
then, back-to barre-forward-recover)
Balance at retiré

Fast Tendu 4/4

Begin 5th position, preparation 1st port de bras and arm stays in 2nd

&1&2     Tendu front, close 5th front, tendu side, close 5th front
&3&4     Repeat first 2 counts
&5          Lift front foot to cou de pied stretched position front, close 5th plié front
&6          Degagé front, close 5th position front
&7&8     Repeat &5&6 with degagé side and close 5th position back

1-8         Repeat first phrase from the back

1-2         Tendu front , close 5th position front
&3          Tendu front, close 5th position front
&4          Tendu front, close 5th position front plié
5-8         Tendu inside leg back same pattern (1 slow 2 back quick finishing in plié)

1-2         Tendu side, close 5th position back
&3          Tendu side, close 5th position front
&4          Tendu side, close 5th position back in plié
5             Relevé passé working leg from 5th back to foot at front of the knee
6             Close working leg to sous-sus front
7-8         Turning towards the barre to the second side, close 5th plié

Rond de Jambe a terre 3/4

Begin 5th position R foot front

1               Tendu R to side
2-3           Temp lié onto R (stay in fondu) and tendu L, port de bras away from barre
4               Temp lié to point tendu R, arms 2nd
5-8           Rond de Jambe en dehors 4 times finishing point tendu front on count 8
1               Close 5th position plié
2-3           Releve passé to developpé derrière
4               Close sous-sus back
5               Plie 5th position
6-7           Relevé passé inside leg to developpé derrière
8               Close sous-sus back
1               Tendu front in fondu on supporting leg
2-4           Straighten and rond de jambe en dehors 3 times
5               Finish lifting leg to 90° front (arm to 5th en haut)
6-7           Grand rond de jambe en dehors to arabesque
8               Close 5th position back
1-4            Grand port de bras forward with inside leg front in 5th position
5-8           Grand port de bras back with inverted arm
1-24         Repeat all en dedans
25-32      Grand circular port de bras in sous-sus and balance arms 5th en haut

Rond de Jambe

Begin 1st position, preparation 1st port de bras

1              Fondu on supporting leg, lift working leg to cou de pied at front of ankle
                (arm 5th en bas, low)
2              Retiré to front of knee, straighten supporting leg (arm 5th en avant, in front)
3              Fondu on supporting leg, place working leg to cou de pied at back of ankle
4              Retiré to front of knee, straighten supporting leg
5              Fondu on supporting leg, place working leg to cou de pied at front of ankle
6              Point tendu front, supporting leg still bent in fondu
7-8          Straighten supporting leg, rond de jambe en dehors to point tendu back
                 (arm opens to 2nd)
1-4          4 rond de jambe en dehors
5              Lift working leg to attitude front (arm to 5th en haut)

6-8          Grand rond de jambe en l’air with straight legs to 2nd, carry back
                (arm 2nd, then to arabesque)
1-4          4 rond de jambe en dehors at 45° (arm in 2nd)
5              Lift working leg to attitude front (arm to 5th en haut)
6-8          Grand rond de jambe en l‘air with straight legs to 2nd, carry back and
                close in 5th position back
1-24       Repeat all from back
1-8          Circular port de bras (forward, toward barre, back, and recover)
1-8          Reverse circular port de bras (back, to barre, forward, recover)

Degagé at the barre 2/4 or 4/4

5th position

1-4   4 degagé front closing in 5th front, accent in 5th (arm 5th en haut)
5-8  4 degagé side closing 5th front each time, accent in 5th (arm 2nd position)
1-2   2 degagé front closing 5th front (arm 5th en haut)
3-4   2 degagé side closing 5th front each time (arm 2nd position)
&     Degagé front (arm 2nd position)
5      Cloche thru 1st to degagé back
6      Cloche thru 1st to degagé front
7      Cloche thru 1st to degagé back
8      Close 5th position back
1-16 Repeat all from the back with arm in arabesque instead of 5th en haut

Here is some great music by Gill Civil that works well for this combination.


Barre Adagio in 3/4 or 4/4

Begin in 5th position, R foot front

1-4    Developpé devant to 90°
5-8    Retiré and developpé to arabesque
1        Close 5th position back
2-4    Developpé inside leg to arabesque
5-6    Promenade to face the barre, let á la seconde
7        Retiré facing 2nd side
8       Close 5th front
1-8    Repeat on L
1-16   Reverse and repeat L