3/4 or 4/4 Time Signature 1-2 Temps levé tombé pas de bourrée to 4th position en face, L foot … [Read more...]
Interview with Dance Coach Joey Dippel
Tom Morin, Co-Founder of Polish Your Passion an online-based training company from New York City … [Read more...]
Turnout: a word you will hear from your ballet teacher throughout class and throughout your dancing … [Read more...]
How to Improve Your Ballet Technique
The best thing about dancing ballet is that you can always do things better. Your technique, … [Read more...]
Ballet Class Etiquette
Ballet class etiquette is usually communicated clearly, and most dancers who begin as young children … [Read more...]
Book Review: GIRL THROUGH GLASS by Sari Wilson
I was given an advance copy of GIRL THROUGH GLASS in December and finally picked it up yesterday, … [Read more...]
This degagé combination for the barre is nicely accompanied by Gill Civil's music. I particularly … [Read more...]
Pirouette waltz
Suggested musical accompaniment by Massimiliano Greco here. You can also like him on Facebook … [Read more...]
Grand Battement
Begin in 5th position 1-2 Grand battement à la seconde close 5th back 3-4 Grand battement … [Read more...]