Tendu A ballet barre combination

Begin 1st position
1        Tendu devant, or front
2        Flex foot at ankle
3        Point foot
4        Turn in 4
5        Turn out
6       Close 5th position plié
7-8    Chassé devant, point tendu inside foot back, close 5th
1-2    Tendu devant, close 5th position
3-4    Petit passé (ankle height) to close back in 5th
4-6    Tendu side close 5th front
7-8    Petit passé to close in 5th back.

1-16   Repeat all from back

1        Tendu a la seconde, or side
2-3    Flex and point tendu side
4-5    Turn in, turn out
6       Close 5th position front in plié
7-8    Chassé away from the barre to the side, close 5th front
1-8    Repeat last 8 counts with inside leg, finishing with chassé toward barre

1-8    Demi plié relevé to cou de pied (foot at front of ankle, not wrapped), balance arms 5th en avant

Pirouettes preparation

1-2    Tendu R to side (á la seconde)
3-4    Close into 5th position front in plié
5        Tendu R to side
6        Close to 5th position front in plié
7-8    Pirouette en dehors and close 5th back
1-8    Repeat 1-8 to the left
1-2    Tendu R croisé  devant, place into 4th position pirouette prep
3-4    Relevé passé bringing back foot (L) to front of knee and closing 5th croisé  devant
5-8    Repeat last 4 counts on opposite side
1-8    Repeat last 8 counts but add pirouette en dedans

Daily Discipline

I’ve been thinking lately about how dancing can affect someone’s life in general, whether they continue to dance past high school and college or not. As a teacher I had many talented students who went on to study dance at the university level. Some found their way to NYC and Broadway, others are teaching dance, but many have gone into separate fields altogether. When I was younger I used to think that I had to be involved in dance or else all the hours I’d spent perfecting my craft were for naught. But is it true that what we learn in the dance studio can’t apply somehow toward our life in general? That there aren’t lessons about working hard, little by little, to see a change several weeks or months down the road that can help us no matter where we end up?

It saddens me that I’m no longer involved in dance the way I used to be. When my family moved away from Kentucky to live closer to my husband’s family in North Carolina, we left behind a thriving dance supply store (Dance Essentials, Inc.) and I left a wonderful teaching post as director of the ballet program at Town and Village School of Dance in Paris, Kentucky. My parents kept the store running for a few more years before selling it and joining us in North Carolina, and on a recent trip through Kentucky we stopped to find that the store had closed for good. It was sad to see our small legacy stamped out, so to speak. But I believe there was a higher purpose for our lives and it was time to move on.

Three years after moving to North Carolina, my father-in-law developed an aggressive, malignant brain tumor. We lived a short drive away—we could even walk if we had to—and it was a blessing to be available if he fell down and needed help. We were at his side when he passed from this world, and though we miss him terribly, we feel blessed that we were given those few years to spend with him. We witnessed a most impressive and dignified journey toward the end of life as he knew it, and saw his faith in God and the world-to-come gently bud and flower.

When we came here it was necessary for me to find a “real” job immediately, since my husband had not found work yet. I landed a job with First Union Bank (which became Wachovia, then became Wells Fargo) doing support work and developing simple reports in Excel and PowerPoint. From there I learned how to manipulate some simple Access database back ends, and started building a few new databases to make the reporting I was doing more automated.My father-in-law was not surprised by my interest and ability to jump right into software development. He was a project manager working on IT-related projects at Bank of America and elsewhere, and he encouraged me to move into the IT field full force. He saw that software development had a creative side and dancing had a technical side, so the two fields in his mind were a perfect fit, and the transition wasn’t as difficult for me as you might think.

Continue reading “Daily Discipline”

Degagé facing the barre

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Begin in 1st position

1-4  4 degagé to the side with R
5-6  Flex R foot and bounce low to floor to R side
7&8  2 quick piqué to right side and close 1st
1-8  Repeat to the left
1-4  Degagé en cloche w/R leg front, back, front (finish last one in fondu) hold count 4
5-8  Degagé en cloche back, front, back (ending in fondu)
1-2  Pull R to retiré, straightening standing leg
3-4  Extend 45° side in fondu
5-6  Relevé passé
7-8  Lower and close to 1st position
1-32 Repeat all beginning L

Pointe Foot Exercise facing barre

1st position facing barre
1    Lift R heel and press over ball of R foot
2    Lift metatarsal to press gently over pointe
3-4  Demi plié
5    Begin to brush foot along floor into tendu side, but only to the metatarsal
6    Complete the tendu by fully stretching the foot to tendu side
7-8  Demi plié
1-8  Repeat all with left foot/leg
1    Tendu R front
2    Press over the pointe with some weight
3    Straighten to point tendu front
4    Flex R foot
5    Point back tendu front
6    Lower just the metatarsal of R foot, keeping heel lifted
7    Release to point degage front
8    Close 1st position
1-8  Repeat last 8 counts with L foot/leg
1-16 Repeat to the side with R and L

Rond de Jambe en l’air and Frappé

5th position, preparation sur le cou de pied
1-7  Single frappe en croix each position getting 2 counts (front out 1, in 2, side out 3, in 4, etc)
8  Close 5th position front
1  Brush side 45°
2-3 Single rond de jambe en l’air en dehors twice at 45°
4  Close back 5th
5   Brush side 45°
6-7 Single rond de jambe en l’air en dedans twice at 45°
8  Close front 5th
1-8  Cloche in attitude f-b-f-b-f-b-f (can go progressively higher) close 5th front in plié
1-2  Relevé passé
3  Developpé à la seconde
4  Lower supporting heel
5  Rond de jambe en l’air 90° en dehors
6  Double rond de jambe en l’air 90° en dehors
7  Close to sous-sus front
8  Turn toward barre to second side
1-32 Repeat all on second side

After second side, can close sous-sus back and turn away from the barre to first side
Repeat all from the back and using en dedans