Petit Allegro in 2/4 or 4/4

5th position L foot front en face

1              Sissone de côté (to side) close L ft front 5th
2              Entre chat quatre
3              Glissade to R close L front
4              Brisé to 5th croisé L front
5              Brisé to L foot tendu croisé  devant
6              Jeté onto L
7              Assemblé to R ft front 5th en face
8              Changement to finish L ft front
1-8          Repeat to other side

Goes well with Gill Civil’s Hummingbird Dance on SoundCloud!


Center Pointe Work From class with Melissa Lowe 11/7/1986

5th position R foot front

&1          Glissade R close L foot front 5th
&2&3     Degagé side closing 1st position R, arms 5th en avant
&4          Degagé side closing 5th front plié, arm opens to 2nd
5-8         Repeat L
1              Glissade R close L foot front 5th
2             Echappé to 2nd en pointe
3             Close 5th R foot front plié
4             Echappé to 2nd en pointe
&             Close 5th L foot front plié
5-8          Echappé faster to 2nd, closing 5th 3X more
1-16        Repeat all to L

Degagé at the barre 2/4 or 4/4

5th position

1-4   4 degagé front closing in 5th front, accent in 5th (arm 5th en haut)
5-8  4 degagé side closing 5th front each time, accent in 5th (arm 2nd position)
1-2   2 degagé front closing 5th front (arm 5th en haut)
3-4   2 degagé side closing 5th front each time (arm 2nd position)
&     Degagé front (arm 2nd position)
5      Cloche thru 1st to degagé back
6      Cloche thru 1st to degagé front
7      Cloche thru 1st to degagé back
8      Close 5th position back
1-16 Repeat all from the back with arm in arabesque instead of 5th en haut

Here is some great music by Gill Civil that works well for this combination.


Grand Allegro

From Upstage Left Corner
B+ Right foot back

1        Temps levé in 1st arabesque on R leg
2       Temps levé on L foot with R foot to back of knee
3       Chassé éffacé with R
4       Step onto R and saute de basque turning R, land on L foot (R at cou de pied)
5-6   Tombé onto R, pas de bourrée (LRL)
7       Glissade
8       Saute de chat (developpé leg into leap)

Barre Adagio in 3/4 or 4/4

Begin in 5th position, R foot front

1-4    Developpé devant to 90°
5-8    Retiré and developpé to arabesque
1        Close 5th position back
2-4    Developpé inside leg to arabesque
5-6    Promenade to face the barre, let á la seconde
7        Retiré facing 2nd side
8       Close 5th front
1-8    Repeat on L
1-16   Reverse and repeat L