Ballet Barre Stretch

Begin with outside leg in front and on the barre (croisé position)

1-2  Demi plié with arm 2nd to 5th en bas
3-4  Demi plié arm through 5th en avant and up to 5th en haut
5-8  Port de bras forward over leg and recover to arm 5th en haut
1-4  Port de bras back and recover with arm opening to 2nd position
5-8  Demi plié, relevé, and turn to face the barre with the leg a la seconde
1-4  Demi plié twice with both hands on the barre
5-8  Port de bras side towards the leg on the barre with opposite arm 5th en haut, recover to both
hands on the barre

1-4  Port de bras away from leg to the other side and recover to both hands on the barre
5-8  Slide leg down the barre like going into a split facing barre, and recover turning to face ¼ away from the barre w/leg in arabesque on the barre

1-2  Demi plié with arm 2nd to 5th en bas
3-4  Demi plié with arm through 5th en avant and up to 5th en haut
1-2  Port de bras forward over standing leg and recover with arm 5th en haut
3-4  Plié on the supporting leg at the bottom of the port de bras and straighten leg
5-8  Recover and port de bras back, recover

Lift leg off barre still in arabesque and lower to point tendu back facing the 2nd side
Turn toward the barre to the first side so that the tendu foot is now your front foot, and then slide down into splits

Grand Battement Mazurka 6/8

1-3     Grand Battement front, lower to point tendu, close 5th (arm 5th en haut)
4-6     Repeat side
1-6     Repeat back and side
1-2     Grand Battement front, close 5th (arm 5th en haut)
3-4     Grand Battement side, close 5th back (arm 2nd)
5-6     Grand Battement back, close 5th (arm to arabesque)
1-5     Cloche Battement with inside leg fbfbf
6         Close 5th position front
1-24   Repeat all from back


Begin 1st position
1-2       Demi plié, arm to 5th en haut, open to 2nd
3-4      Elevé, arm 5th en haut, plié over half toe opening arm to 2nd
5-6      Straighten both knees on half toe, open arm to V
7812    Grand plié with inverted port de bras
3-6      Grand plié 1st port de bras
7-8      Tendu to 2nd position
1-16    Repeat in 2nd
1-32    Repeat in 4th and 5th

Medium Petit Allegro

2/4  Time Signature

Medium Petit Allegro
L foot front 5th en face

1-2     Glissade to R, close L foot front, petit jeté R over L
3-4     Coupé on L jeté battu w/R
5-6     Sauté ballonné R 90ᵒ side to cou de pied R back
7-8     2 Assemblé traveling en avant, R and L
1         Entrechat trois
&a2    Pas de bourrée LRL
3-4     2 brisés traveling R
5         Faillé over L
6         Pas de chat L
&a7    Pas de bourrée LRL to 5 position L front
8         Changement
1-16    Repeat all other side

Tendu at the Barre Time Signature 4/4 or 3/4 or 6/8

5th position, preparation 1 st port de bras

1-2          Tendu front, plié in 4th, arm en avant
3             Carry working foot to 2nd, arm 2nd
4             Straighten knee, plié in 2nd pos., arm 5th en avant
5-6         Carry working foot to point tendu front, close 5th front, arm 5th en haut
&7&8     Tendu front 2X closing 5th front both times, straight legs, arm 5th en haut
1-2          Tendu side plié in 2nd, arm 5th en avant
3-4         Carry working foot to back, straighten knee, plié in 4th pos, arm 5th en avant
5-6         Carry working foot to side, close 5th back, arm 2nd
&7&8     Tendu side 2X closing 5th front, 5th back
1-16        Repeat phrases 1 and 2 from back, arm in arabesque instead of 5th en haut

Rond de Jambe à terre

3/4 1st position

1-2          Tendu side, close 1st position
&3           Pick up foot and place 5th front
&4           Pas de cheval to point tendu side in fondu
5              Close 5th position back straight knees
6              Tendu back
7              Close 5th position
8              Hold
1-8           Repeat from back
1-4           2 Rond de Jambe en dehors slow
5-8           3 Rond de Jambe en dehors quick, close 5th back
1-4           2 Rond de jambe en dedans slow
5-8           3 Rond de Jambe en dedans quick, close 5th front
1-16         Circular port de bras both directions
forward-to barre-back-recover,
then, back-to barre-forward-recover)
Balance at retiré