Book Review: GIRL THROUGH GLASS by Sari Wilson

I was given an advance copy of GIRL THROUGH GLASS in December and finally picked it up yesterday, planning to give it a small measure of my attention for a couple weeks until I could finish it. To my surprise and delight, it captured my full attention and I consumed the whole book within 24 hours. It’s hard to believe this is Sari Wilson’s first novel—it is written with a wonderful literary style. She is able to put words to feelings in a way not many authors can.

Maybe it’s because I could relate to the story as a dancer, but I think it’s much more than that. I believe she’s an author I’ll keep an eye on, and whose work I’ll devour just as easily no matter the subject. Sari’s writing is a thing of beauty; her expressions are refreshing and original, such as when she describes Mira having her hair done by a woman who holds the bobby pins in her teeth. “The lady pulled and tugged and clutched at Mira. The bobby pins the lady gripped in her teeth moved up and down like insect antennae trying to communicate something dire.”

The flow of the book worked its magic as well, weaving the life of a young girl growing into a woman between scenes of the grown woman’s present day life until the two come together and the story is complete. Sari Wilson has created suspense that I wasn’t even aware was building until the truth of what happened to this girl became crystal clear. It caught me completely by surprise, in a very good way.

GIRL THROUGH GLASS by Sari Wilson is well done. She exposes the stark realities of the ballet world with an authenticity that will make real ballerinas nod in agreement, and delivers it in a beautifully written story about characters I came to love.


This degagé combination for the barre is nicely accompanied by Gill Civil’s music. I particularly like how it goes with number 10 for petits battements. The track is called All Aboard. This combination could also be done first with tendus at a slower tempo. I like track number 3 called Tightrope Walker for a slower tempo.

When using as a tendu combination, you could change the piqué to this: from point tendu front at count 2, lower ball of foot to work through the metatarsal and quickly lift to point tendu again (&3), brush through 1st to point tendu back on count 4.

5th position

1        Plié in 5th, arm to 5th en avant
2        Degagé front and straighten legs, open arm 2nd
3        Piqué front
4        Brush thru 1st to degagé back
5-8    4 Degagé back closing 5th, arm to arabesque
1-8     Repeat with inside leg
1-8     Repeat side, finishing with foot in 5th back
1-7     En cloche degagé bfbfbfb
8         Close 5th back
1-32  Repeat all from back

Pirouette waltz

Suggested musical accompaniment by Massimiliano Greco here.

You can also like him on Facebook here.

R foot front 5th upstage L

1-2   Piqué to 1st arabesque, faille across
3       Piqué to 1st arabesque
4       Faille and temps levé on L with R cou de pied back
5       Balancé R traveling en arrière
6       Balancé L traveling en arrière
7-8   Tombé pas de bourrée to 4th preparation L front
1-2   Pirouette en dehors to 4th position
3       Detourné to point tendu R croisé devant
4       Close 5th position plié R front
5-6   Tendu R croisé devant place 4th lunge R croisé devant
7-8   Pirouette en dedans to 5th position croisé L foot front
1-16 Repeat other side


Grand Battement

Begin in 5th position

1-2     Grand battement à la seconde close 5th back
3-4    Grand battement inside leg front close 5th front
5-7    Grand battement derrière, en cloche battement thru 1st to front, en cloche to
battement back
8        Close 5th back
1-8    Repeat from back
1-16  Repeat all

Center Pointe Work

Center Pointe
2/4 or 4/4

Begin sous-sus en face R foot front

1       Cou de pied R front
2        Lower foot to sous-sus
3        Cou de pied L back
4        Lower foot to sous-sus
&5     Pas de cheval R to point tendu side in fondu
&a6   Pas de bourrée to 5th position R foot front plié
&7     Royale
8        Sous-sus L front
1-8    Repeat all L