Tendu / Degagé

5th position
1-2    2 tendus front
3-3    2 tendus back with inside leg
5&6    Fondu front at cou de pied, point tendu devant, close 5th front
7&8    3 tendus side closing bfb
1-8    Repeat all from back
1-8    Cambré forward slowly
1-8    Cambré back slowly
1-32    Repeat all with degagé and cambré on half toe

Turns Across the Floor

Turns Across the Floor
Begin 5th position R foot front croisé in upstage L corner
1-4    Embôité turning 2X
5    Assemblé feet together R foot front 5th
6    Tour en l’air, finishing w/R foot cou de pied devant
7-8    Soutenu turn
1-4    2 pique turns en dedans
5-6    Chassé into chaine turns
7-8    Chassé into 1st arabesque balance

Petit Allegro

Petit Allegro
5th position R foot front en face
1-4    4 changements
5    Temps levé to cou de pied back with R foot
6    Relevé to attitude croisé derrière (R leg lifted)
7    Extend R leg allongée and extend arms
8    Plié in 5th L foot front
1-4    Echappé sauté to 2nd 2X
5-8    Echappé sauté to 4th, 2nd, 4th R foot front, close 5th
1-8    Repeat last 8 counts beginning with R foot front and ending L front
Can repeat entire combination starting with L foot front 5th en face

Pirouettes en dehors and en dedans

Begin croisé devant R foot front 5th
1-2    Brush R leg 45˚ front en relevé, tombé to lunge
3-4    Soutenu turn to finish R foot croisé devant
5-6    Repeat 1-2
7-8    Pirouette en dedans to finish L foot 5th croisé devant
1-2    Chassé croisé devant to point tendu back, plié in 4th
3-4    Pirouette en dehors to lunge
5-6    Fouette pivot turn to point tendu R foot croisé devant, tombé to 3rd arabesque in fondu
    R arm 5th high and open to 2nd, L arm to arabesque
7-8    Pas de bourrée to 5th position L foot croisé devant
1-16    Repeat all on other side

First Center Combination

First Center Combination
Begin 5th position en face R foot front
1-4    Piqué R foot front, side, back, close 5th back in plié
5-6    Relevé passé at cou de pied height, close 5th front
7-8    Relevé passé at cou de pied devant, extend to 45˚ side
1-4    Balancé R and L
5-6    Tombé pas de bourrée R to 5th L foot front
&7    Glissade R, closing L back
&8    Glissade R, closing L front
1-16    Repeat all on second side

Grand Allegro 3/4

Grand Allegro 3/4
Begin downstage R corner
1       Pique to 3rd arabesque (step onto L croisé)
2       Chassé leading with R foot toward upstage L corner
3       Fouette sauté landing in fondu 1st arabesque facing DR
4       Chassé leading with L foot toward upstage L corner
5-6    Tour jeté landing in fondu 1st arabesque facing DR
7-8    Ballotté éffacé devant, éffacé derrière
&       Coupé under onto L foot
1        Chassé éffacé devant toward DR
2-3    Saute de basque turning R
4       Temps levé in 1st arabesque
5-8    Run in circle to finish at DL corner
1-16    Repeat all on other side