5th position R foot front 1 Brush leg to 45° à la seconde 2 Single rond de jambe en … [Read more...]
5th position R foot front 1-2 Ballonné to the front 2X accent in (degagé height) 3-4 2 frappé … [Read more...]
Degage 2/4
Begin in 5th position at the barre &1 Degage front and close 5th 2 Hold count … [Read more...]
Medium Petit Allegro
1 Glissade 2 Petit jeté 3-4 Coupé Ballonné Sauté 5-6 Two pas de chats 7 Brisé 8 Hold Repeat … [Read more...]
Petit Allegro
Soubresaut 2 Changement 3 Royale 4 Entrechat quatre 5-8, 1-4 Repeat 1-4 twice more 5 echappe … [Read more...]
For the Love of Praise
Make it sincere Talking about validation in my DBT support group for parents of kids struggling … [Read more...]
Rond de Jambe en L’air
Rond de jambe en l’air 1 Releve lent (brush leg) to 90 degrees a la seconde … [Read more...]
Rond de Jambe
Rond de Jambe a tèrre Begin 5th position 1-2 Fondu at cou de pied, relevé and … [Read more...]
Small Petit Allegro
Begin 5th position L foot front en face 1 Glissade traveling R, close L foot … [Read more...]