Click on post title to see the formatted version. Begin in 1st position 1-4 4 degagé to the … [Read more...]
Pedagogy: A professional’s insights on the art of training and the technique of classical ballet
By Jonathon Levy, Ballet Master & former Principal Soloist of Ballet Dallas. Choosing a … [Read more...]
Pointe Foot Exercise facing barre
1st position facing barre 1 Lift R heel and press over ball of R foot 2 Lift metatarsal to … [Read more...]
Rond de Jambe en l’air and Frappé
5th position, preparation sur le cou de pied 1-7 Single frappe en croix each position getting 2 … [Read more...]
Taking an Extended Break from Dancing
One year when I was a student at Indiana University, we had a whole week off for Thanksgiving. The … [Read more...]
Teaching Pre-Ballet and Beginning Ballet
Many children who start beginning ballet will be coming with a background in creative movement. I … [Read more...]
Degagé 2/4
Begin 5th position R foot front 1 Fondu on supporting leg with R at cou de pied front 2 Extend R … [Read more...]
Small Petit Allegro in 6/8
Begin en face L foot front 5th Counting may be easier if said 1&a 2&a etc) 1 Three small jetés … [Read more...]
First Center Combination
Begin 5th position en croix R foot front 8 Demi-plié &1 Glissade changing to L ft front … [Read more...]