Point tendu croisé devant upper L corner 1-2 Piqué turn en dedans 3-4 Soutenu turn to 5th … [Read more...]
Center Pointe Work
Center Pointe 2/4 or 4/4 Begin sous-sus en face R foot front 1 Cou de pied R … [Read more...]
Ballet Barre Stretch
Begin with outside leg in front and on the barre (croisé position) 1-2 Demi plié with arm 2nd to … [Read more...]
Grand Battement Mazurka 6/8
1-3 Grand Battement front, lower to point tendu, close 5th (arm 5th en haut) 4-6 Repeat … [Read more...]
Begin 1st position 1-2 Demi plié, arm to 5th en haut, open to 2nd 3-4 Elevé, arm 5th en … [Read more...]
Medium Petit Allegro
2/4 Time Signature Medium Petit Allegro L foot front 5th en face 1-2 Glissade to R, … [Read more...]
Tendu at the Barre Time Signature 4/4 or 3/4 or 6/8
5th position, preparation 1 st port de bras 1-2 Tendu front, plié in 4th, arm en avant 3 … [Read more...]
Rond de Jambe à terre
3/4 1st position 1-2 Tendu side, close 1st position &3 Pick up foot and … [Read more...]
Pirouette in 3/4
Begin 5th position R foot front en face 1-2 Tombé R, pas de bourrée to 4th position en … [Read more...]