Dancers are always trying to extend the life of their pointe shoes. It’s especially important for … [Read more...]
Dancers and Conditioning
I’ve often wondered how common it is for a dancer to suffer from chronic back pain during and after … [Read more...]
Stage Parents
I remember well the dreaded parent observation week at the studios where I used to teach. Depending … [Read more...]
Teaching Creative Movement
Ballet class with children ages 3-5 is often called “creative movement” rather than ballet class. … [Read more...]
A Special Ballet Teacher
We entered the hall with solemn steps and took our seats. The group mostly comprised the beloved … [Read more...]
Passion for Dancing
Why do dancers dance? Ballet class is rigorous, not to mention expensive, yet thousands of people … [Read more...]
Influencing Lives by Teaching Ballet
The task can't be taken lightly Ballet teachers have a unique opportunity to instill self … [Read more...]
Classical Ballet: Combinations for Ten Complete Advanced Classesby Tamara Stanwood … [Read more...]
Tendu 4/4
Classical Ballet: Combinations for Ten Complete Advanced Classesby Tamara Stanwood … [Read more...]